What is the best swim cap brand and material?

My 8 year old is on a swim team. Her speedo swim cap has a hole in it and I want to make sure the next one I buy is really good. I heard aqua sphere is good and that silicone is the best material. I would like to find something that actually keeps the water from soaking her hair too if possible,but mostly something durable and comfortable. What do the big swim teams use?


over time, swim caps get holes in them, especially if you don't let them dry out after practice. don't worry about spending the extra money on silicone caps, they're not worth it. just go with lycra (made by speedo or tyr). you can probably find packs of 5 for fairly cheap at your local sporting goods store.

all silicone are good,the caps are almost the same,you can go to my online swimshop www.swimshop-china.com to have a look,you may find the introduction of many caps and know how to wear and the quality. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20070202073632AAuoSxV&kid=Qp5sEFi7GEzoT9D9jGQA&s=comm&date=2008-02-09+05%3A35%3A58&.crumb=

i would recommend the speedo lycra cap. it fits every shape with hair and head. this is the most durable and comfortable.

any name brand like speedo or adidas or somthing should be alrite just make sure you GET SILICONE the toerh ones are just a pain. All of the caps are pretty similar in material and what not so just get her a colour she likes!

All caps are pretty good, but the major brands are ones I like, such as Speedo, TYR, and Arena just to name a few. I definitely like silicone caps over latex, since silicone is a softer-like material and is easy on the hair. It will not hurt your hair, and slides on most the time. It even stays on, whereas other latex caps fall off. So I would go with the silicone cap since of the comfortable and "silky-like" feel to it.

Plastic ones are better for the hair, becuase the chlorine doesn't mix with the hair. They are really uncomfortable, and they sort of yank your hair, but the lycra ones are the most popular. I use a soft cloth swim cap from speedo. It is much more stretchable, and it doesn't yank at your hair. Unfortunately, it doesn't protect the hair from the chemicals. Speedo is usually most popular, don't go for the cheap brands! Sometimes they rip easily!

Arena / Lycra

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