Why do they make bras and swimsuit only for women with small breasts?

I went to Target, Macys, Hecths, to find some bras and a new swimsuit and I can barely find my size. I'm a 36 DDD and it's so hard for me to find a nice and cute bra that comfortable, inexpensive, and colorful. AND NOT A GRANNY BRA! I'm tired of store making bras for women with itt-bitty-tiites. They all the girls with small breasts get the cutest and colorful bras. As for the swimsuit, I have a nice body. I have a perfect hourglass shape, and a 25 in waist and I want to wear a 2 piece but nothing can with my big butt and my big chest. Why does the world only cater to flat chested and flat butted women?

Men have the same issue (accept for the totally opposite reason). All the clothes available for men are for tall and bulky guys. Everything else for us shorter fellas looks just childish. I have seen what you are talking about too. When I went shopping with her for a bra she first went into Victoria Secret and they told her they don't carry her size. They said she was a 32 DDD or something and so she had to go to another store. They did have a bunch of granny looking stuff and I told her I didn't like most of it. I guess society has an idea of what they want men and women to look like and so they cater the majority (or what they want the majority to be).

Ayita! Don't you think you're being judgemental here? Just because u've got huge cow boobs,it doesn't mean that the rest of the women with smaller breasts are FLAT! You're a bitter b*tch I must say! http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20070603070642AA6yj3o&kid=R80sWje.ADMq7of9zxSx1AJdCi1Mj_tCLgGXDGh5z9t6P4PuD5OV&s=comm&date=2008-08-12+15%3A02%3A10&.crumb=

I have the same problem i got one from the house of derion on line

This is kinda funny. I never can find a good swimsuit, either, although my problem is different. I'm an A cup with wide hips and a small waist. Everytime I get a small bra, the lower piece it's too small and when I get a bigger lower piece, the bra comes big. That's ironic!!

They are made that way becuase the majority of women have smaller breasts.

Because most of the bras are made over seas where women naturally have smaller breasts.

OK! this is the reason. there is a conspiracy by the girl watchers club, to make the tops of bikinis and bras for women with smaller breasts, therefore since you cant find your size, you buy the smaller top, which hardly fits you, and so the sport of girl watching, is at a high, watching you falling out of your bikini top, so dont complain about it, We are not..

Check some of the specialty shops or go online venus swimwear try sears!!!!

36 DDD is pretty big...you have to get it customized thats why. Most stores sell D's to DD's but ive never seen a DDD.

Your big butt and big chest looks vulgar all exposed and walking around in a two piece bikini swimsuit.

If you are a 36 DDD, with a 25'' waist and a big butt, trust me, you will only get negative attention from both men and women. And children don't need to see all that meat either.

Your "perfect hourglass shape" is probably fat and nasty in the eyes of others at the public beach or pool, so cover yourself and stop trying to flaunt what you think is sexy.

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